I hate that term. My younger brothers have been calling me a ‘cougar’ since I was 28! I don’t even think they know what that term means…..but because they are married, younger and I am single and older, I must be a cougar. Apparently the definition of a cougar is: a woman who sexually pursues younger men, typically more than eight years her junior. The term appears to have been coined by Canadian website Cougardate.com and has been used in TV series, advertising and film. A new show called Cougar Town, explores the difficulty and stigma of many so-called "Cougars". (Have you seen it? I thought it was stupid at first, just as I thought Sex in the City was, but I gave them both a second chance, as I do most of my dates (haha) and now I love Sex in the City....can totally identify with it (being a combination of Samatha, Miranda and Carrie all rolled into one...) and as for Cougartown.....it is witty....and Courtney Cox’s boytoy is fab eye candy! ) Why do women go for younger men? Here is my theory: because men our age are fucked up! They have either:
i. Gotten out of a long relationship, are jaded and messed up, bringing up their exes into every sentence of your conversation with them. And don’t you hate this one: “You are so much like my Ex.” Yeah, sure buddy. That’s my aspiration in life….to be like your Ex….why are we having this conversation?
ii. Have small children and recently divorced… A.K.A. too much baggage for a single girl
iii. Completely jaded by the string of loony tune wacky women they have previously dated (usually way younger than them…no kidding they couldn’t relate and called them wacky…..what do you know when you are 20? )
iv. Are “embracing themselves”(What does that mean exactly??) and absolute flakes……I mean at 39, can’t you have your shit together? What is with the soul-searching? The job transition?, in between job? No job? or massive debt bullshit?…..men….get your shit together!
v. Like (i) and (iii) totally jaded and noncommittal because of getting out of LTR and just “want to have casual sex” but no commitment. Yeah ok…..no thanks!
vi. Our success intimidates them and so in conversations with them you can hear/feel the sneers and the slips of the tongues about your success…..sorry you are so insecure buddy.
vii. Oh yeah and the man in their 30s who has the body of a 50-year-old with the big beer belly…..come on men! You expect US, women to keep in shape and work out…….do some sit-ups! And it is so easy for men, they could just get out and go for a jog every day and within two weeks they are slim and trim……us women have to WORK at it….but no, they don’t give a shit……they sit on their computers and write internet ads! No pic no response!
So yeah……a young lad, buff, and a little innocent in the sense that he is not jaded by women (yet), thinks you are absolutely fascinating because you got your shit together, admires you and frankly you don’t want much from him except some attention and compliments, not to mention if he can satisfy us women sexually by being so eager and willing to please us in bedroom…….hell……..no wonder us women go for younger men!!!!!! They make us feel sexy, desirable and special! I haven’t yet gone for a younger man by the ‘cougar definition of 8 years my junior’, but after dating (i.ii.iii.iv.v. vi and vii.) with absolutely no luck and more frustration, the contemplation of the younger man and my theory makes me think, it is just where I need to find my next date!
Hip Hip Hurrah for the Year of Tiger/Cougar!
Well officially I am about to marry a younger man.. but cant really be considered a cougar.. he is only 3 yrs younger.. but EAGER none-the-less.!! LDA