
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Crazy Girl Crushes-- When does the crush become borderline stalkerish?

Ok, I am a smart, practical, educated, sane, down to earth girl. Do matters of the heart just cancel out all our sanity and let us girls go off the deep end and become a lunatic? This story is comical!

I have a favourite radio station. At a particular time, great music is played by this DJ who just knows how to spin the trax. I am certainly not the star-struck kind of girl, but he had a certain somethin’ somethin’ that was getting me all hot and bothered. He came from the same similar immigrant background as I did, spoke fondly about his family as I do, had a sense of humour I really liked, his coworkers teased him about being single, he talked about a running shoe collection that could compare to mine---I just felt this connection---so what do I do? I email the radio station making a ‘special request’ (it was request hour) requesting lunch with the DJ with no other expectations except a lunch because I thought he had certain qualities I admire. I acknowledged the fact that this email may have been out of line professionally, but I had no other way to get his attention. What happens?

His coworkers read out the whole email on the radio! I was listening at the time and I almost shit my pants (literally) as they read it slowly; I was mortified they would say my name! I am a professional! What about my credibility? I had no idea what came over me and can only blame it on the full moon! Of course, he was embarrassed too of the attention and I actually felt bad—but it didn’t stop my crazy school girl crush! I emailed the radio station again a couple of weeks later when he was on (think it was the following full moon!), this time attaching a picture! What the hell was I thinking? Of course, I got no response—who would respond to this nutbar? (the nutbar being, me!). Finally, my friends were fed up with my obsession and said we have to go find him at the bar. I finally got up the nerve, so the girls and I went on the hunt. Once I saw him at the bar, I was weak in the knees and couldn’t do anything. I was frozen. I downed about 3 rye drinks in 3 minutes. My friends were getting antsy and one went over to bring him back over to me. He was so cute. I confessed that I was the ‘email stalker’ and he laughed giving me a hug. I talked his ear off because I was such a nervous wreck, gave him my phone number and email saying I hoped he used it. He said “ok wow, I need to go and collect and myself.” Yeah, so did I since I didn’t even know who the hell took over my body/voice! (Who was this broad taking over my body and voice making me look like a blabbering idiot?) I was totally not myself. And guess what…..he never used my email or phone number. But I didn’t give up.

You have to give me A for effort. I fretted and obsessed for months, then one day, I decided (this, I might add, was against all my friends’ advice) to look him up on Facebook. Found him, rifled off another email (another writing from the girl with the out of body experience) asking for lunch…. Surprisingly, he responded! Unfortunately, he politely declined saying he had a girlfriend. Lucky girl. Oh well…at least I I tried. You have to go after what you want or how will you ever get it? I have since let the crush go......Wait a minute.........

Did I just hear him say on the radio he is single again???? Uh-oh…..


  1. What does a girl have to do to get a Portuguese sandwich with Flipout? I'm not totally convinced that your label "borderline stalking" is accurate....your passport has been stamped Lady!
