
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Crazy Girl Crushes-- When does the crush become borderline stalkerish?

Ok, I am a smart, practical, educated, sane, down to earth girl. Do matters of the heart just cancel out all our sanity and let us girls go off the deep end and become a lunatic? This story is comical!

I have a favourite radio station. At a particular time, great music is played by this DJ who just knows how to spin the trax. I am certainly not the star-struck kind of girl, but he had a certain somethin’ somethin’ that was getting me all hot and bothered. He came from the same similar immigrant background as I did, spoke fondly about his family as I do, had a sense of humour I really liked, his coworkers teased him about being single, he talked about a running shoe collection that could compare to mine---I just felt this connection---so what do I do? I email the radio station making a ‘special request’ (it was request hour) requesting lunch with the DJ with no other expectations except a lunch because I thought he had certain qualities I admire. I acknowledged the fact that this email may have been out of line professionally, but I had no other way to get his attention. What happens?

His coworkers read out the whole email on the radio! I was listening at the time and I almost shit my pants (literally) as they read it slowly; I was mortified they would say my name! I am a professional! What about my credibility? I had no idea what came over me and can only blame it on the full moon! Of course, he was embarrassed too of the attention and I actually felt bad—but it didn’t stop my crazy school girl crush! I emailed the radio station again a couple of weeks later when he was on (think it was the following full moon!), this time attaching a picture! What the hell was I thinking? Of course, I got no response—who would respond to this nutbar? (the nutbar being, me!). Finally, my friends were fed up with my obsession and said we have to go find him at the bar. I finally got up the nerve, so the girls and I went on the hunt. Once I saw him at the bar, I was weak in the knees and couldn’t do anything. I was frozen. I downed about 3 rye drinks in 3 minutes. My friends were getting antsy and one went over to bring him back over to me. He was so cute. I confessed that I was the ‘email stalker’ and he laughed giving me a hug. I talked his ear off because I was such a nervous wreck, gave him my phone number and email saying I hoped he used it. He said “ok wow, I need to go and collect and myself.” Yeah, so did I since I didn’t even know who the hell took over my body/voice! (Who was this broad taking over my body and voice making me look like a blabbering idiot?) I was totally not myself. And guess what…..he never used my email or phone number. But I didn’t give up.

You have to give me A for effort. I fretted and obsessed for months, then one day, I decided (this, I might add, was against all my friends’ advice) to look him up on Facebook. Found him, rifled off another email (another writing from the girl with the out of body experience) asking for lunch…. Surprisingly, he responded! Unfortunately, he politely declined saying he had a girlfriend. Lucky girl. Oh well…at least I I tried. You have to go after what you want or how will you ever get it? I have since let the crush go......Wait a minute.........

Did I just hear him say on the radio he is single again???? Uh-oh…..

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

When in Rome, Do as the Romans ---NOT

I stayed at a hotel with a friendly owner, concierge guy. He as always greeting me jovially when I arrived, made great suggestions on what to do, see and eat. When I came back from my days of exploring, I would sit with him and have a digestif and practice my Italian....more like listen to Italian because he was a chatterbox, but whatever, he seemed harmless. He was probably older than my father and being the helpful, friendly hotel-owner---harmless right?
It was my birthday while I was in Rome and he suggested we needed to “celebrate”. Ok, sure, a drink when I come back from exploring one day. My friends were in town too, so I was busy hanging out with them. The night before I was leaving to come back home, he suggested we “celebrate” before I left for good. Since I had no plans, I said sure and waited till he finished his shift so that we could dine together. No harm, like I said, he seemed harmless.
He took me to a restaurant that I had gone to for my birthday. The cute waiter remembered me and flirtatiously greeted me. I told my “old man dinner companion” I think the waiter might be flirting with me. You should have seen the jealously that came over his face. I was shocked and thought, uh-oh, this is going to get uncomfortable and weird. I think the waiter sensed it too because he sent a female colleague to serve us. Dinner was finally over and I just wanted to crawl into my hotel bed. I had come down with the flu to top it all off. In the car, my dinner companion says “Do you want to go to the hotel or you could come home with me. I have a big bed and I can make you a good cafe in the morning.”
Are you serious? This can’t be happening! Uh-oh, “Sorry, I misinterpreted this dinner celebration, sorry you are too old for me.” Did he actually think I would go home with him?, way too old, but two, I am paying for a hotel room at HIS hotel, but I want to go sleep at his house? What?
Luckily, he didn’t make it more awkward than it already was, took me back to the hotel and I made my great escape to my room, locking the door tight. Thank god, I was leaving the next day.
When I got back to America, an Italian guy I met through my friends sends me an email saying “I called the hotel several times while you were there (our mutual friend gave him the number) because I wanted to see you and show you around. Too bad, I didn’t get a hold of you. I left messages.”
Huh? Whenever I came back to the hotel, I always stopped by the reception to say hi to my friendly owner and ask if anyone called for me. Some days no one called or other times, my female friend called. Never any messages from my new Italian suitor. Huh?
So much for harmless and friendly! The old geezer was screening my calls! Forza Italia!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Year of the Tiger? Is Cougar the North American Tiger?

No wonder women go for younger men! HIP HIP HURRAH to the COUGAR

I hate that term. My younger brothers have been calling me a ‘cougar’ since I was 28! I don’t even think they know what that term means…..but because they are married, younger and I am single and older, I must be a cougar. Apparently the definition of a cougar is: a woman who sexually pursues younger men, typically more than eight years her junior. The term appears to have been coined by Canadian website and has been used in TV series, advertising and film. A new show called Cougar Town, explores the difficulty and stigma of many so-called "Cougars". (Have you seen it? I thought it was stupid at first, just as I thought Sex in the City was, but I gave them both a second chance, as I do most of my dates (haha) and now I love Sex in the City....can totally identify with it (being a combination of Samatha, Miranda and Carrie all rolled into one...) and as for is witty....and Courtney Cox’s boytoy is fab eye candy! ) Why do women go for younger men? Here is my theory: because men our age are fucked up! They have either:

i. Gotten out of a long relationship, are jaded and messed up, bringing up their exes into every sentence of your conversation with them. And don’t you hate this one: “You are so much like my Ex.” Yeah, sure buddy. That’s my aspiration in life….to be like your Ex….why are we having this conversation?

ii. Have small children and recently divorced… A.K.A. too much baggage for a single girl

iii. Completely jaded by the string of loony tune wacky women they have previously dated (usually way younger than them…no kidding they couldn’t relate and called them wacky…..what do you know when you are 20? )

iv. Are “embracing themselves”(What does that mean exactly??) and absolute flakes……I mean at 39, can’t you have your shit together? What is with the soul-searching? The job transition?, in between job? No job? or massive debt bullshit?…….get your shit together!

v. Like (i) and (iii) totally jaded and noncommittal because of getting out of LTR and just “want to have casual sex” but no commitment. Yeah ok… thanks!

vi. Our success intimidates them and so in conversations with them you can hear/feel the sneers and the slips of the tongues about your success…..sorry you are so insecure buddy.

vii. Oh yeah and the man in their 30s who has the body of a 50-year-old with the big beer belly…..come on men! You expect US, women to keep in shape and work out…….do some sit-ups! And it is so easy for men, they could just get out and go for a jog every day and within two weeks they are slim and trim……us women have to WORK at it….but no, they don’t give a shit……they sit on their computers and write internet ads! No pic no response!

So yeah……a young lad, buff, and a little innocent in the sense that he is not jaded by women (yet), thinks you are absolutely fascinating because you got your shit together, admires you and frankly you don’t want much from him except some attention and compliments, not to mention if he can satisfy us women sexually by being so eager and willing to please us in bedroom…….hell…… wonder us women go for younger men!!!!!! They make us feel sexy, desirable and special! I haven’t yet gone for a younger man by the ‘cougar definition of 8 years my junior’, but after dating (i.ii.iii.iv.v. vi and vii.) with absolutely no luck and more frustration, the contemplation of the younger man and my theory makes me think, it is just where I need to find my next date!
Hip Hip Hurrah for the Year of Tiger/Cougar!

Friday, February 12, 2010

A Man with "SOUL"

I had a hot friend from uni. We fooled around but that was it, never got to “it”. He got in touch with me recently. We caught up and it was like good old times. He said he was passing through town, we should get together. Great! He is fun, easy on the eyes, and SINGLE. Guess what? Me too!
I picked him up at the airport. He was as handsome as ever, complimentary to me, and we laughed all the way to my house. Definite chemistry and attraction going on. It’s been a while, and maybe I let this one get away—this was my second chance!
Good lovin’ couldn’t complain. It was when the conversation got all weird. He wears a chain with some symbol on it. I asked him about it. Oops. He got into this new-age religious spiel saying I don’t understand because I don’t believe, yada yada. Alright, alright, can we talk about something else?

“I’ve got a soulsister.”

"You’ve got a What? You only have a brother, I know that much."

“I have a soulsister, she lives in the States, somewhere in the Southwest.”

"Reeeeally? How did you meet your soulsister?"

"Oh I have known her for years. She MSNed me one day."

"Ahhh huh. Have you met your soulsister?"

"No—we email, text, she is married and she is a millionaire. "

"Ahh huh. Have you seen what your soulsister looks like?"

"Yeah, I have pictures of her on my laptop, wanna see?"

You bet I want to see Soulsista with the special powers brought to you by MSN! Show me!

Ok, now my friend is dark, handsome, and comes from a background of Middle-eastern, Mediterranean decent, so I could imagine he might identify with a little sorcery—witchcraft type stuff and have a soulsister who maybe looked the type—dark long hair, sharp nose, piercing dark eyes, you know Elvira type---NO!
Soulsister’s pic was a bodacious BLONDE PARTYING BAR STAR! Think Kesha in that video Tik Tok!

"That’s your soulsister?"

"Yeah....oh hey, I just got a text!"

"A text? Who is texting you at this time of night?"

"It’s her!"

"Oh really? What does she have to say?"

She says: “I can feel you. You are in the West.”

"You see! We have this special power thing going on, she didn’t know I was here."

"Uh huh. You guys really do have special powers. I’m tired. All this cosmic energy has exhausted me! Good nite."