
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Dealbreaker: Men with Food Issues

All women and men have ‘deal breakers’. My deal breaker is a man with food issues.

I thought it was women who had the love/hate relationship with food, but I am not one of them. I love food. And I am not fat. I don’t use food to comfort my sadness (I have other vices ha ha). I think food is a social thing. Anyway, here are some men I have met with food issues.

1. A man taking diet pills because he doesn’t want to get fat---he was totally slim! But then I find out my Nutella is all gone in the cupboard after a time he spent at my house!!!!!! Hmmmmmmmm look who is binging!

2. A guy who invites me out to a fancy restaurant on the first date only for him to announce he can’t eat anything on the menu because he is on a ‘special diet’!!!!! And then proceeds to talk for the first 45 minutes about all the weight he has lost. Why didn’t invite me to go bowling if he couldn’t eat????

3. Another guy---super cute---met him at the bar---tell him my deal breaker and he laughs…why does he laugh so hard? Cuz he is a VEGAN. Great just great……what the hell do you eat when you are a vegan? I totally admire that dedication to food and preparation as he explained in detail; however, it just seems like too much work to me…and what if I have a hankering for bacon and eggs one morning?

So much for compatibility!

1 comment:

  1. Tina I would love to know all of your deal breakers, please do a post about that. Being vegan is a deal breaker??? What if he was OK with you not being vegan?
