
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Internet dating must have been invented by men!

I mean seriously………what is up with internet dating? A place where you can send out an ad, specify your sexual needs and fantasies and sit back and wait for women to send pics? What happened to just going to the bloody bar? The internet, a place for lazy, cheap men to send out an ad requiring and mentioning their ‘specs’ for a woman, only to sit back and wait for the responses and pics without any wooing, courting or flirting. Or….to send out some witty request that sounds a little intelligent only to find out he is a fat slob or dweeb good with words because he reads but has no friends or other interests because he is always on the internet? Sheesh, I won’t even get into the ads from men that are one-liners full of spelling mistakes or missing capitals and punctuation. I just wonder…do they REALLY get any responses? ..OR….a great place to meet women because frankly my theory is there are way more single and established women out there than there are men, so it is a place for men to have ‘control’ of the situation, to make demands, not put out any cash to wine and dine us or woo us, but to say, ‘no pic-- no response”. And frankly……what does a pic mean anyway? It surely isn’t worth a thousand words. I have heard it from both sides. Not ONE man I have met on the internet looked like his picture. I hardly recognized them in person after a few exchanges of pics. I do have to say that I was pleasantly surprised a few times….but lucky for them that I was giving them a chance because the pic they sent me, wasn’t anything to write home about! And men have told me the same that women have put pics on that don’t look like them. So why bother? Just meet me for coffee and see if you see what you like AS A PERSON……all that other shit comes later if there is some stimulating spark. And besides, you won’t even have to buy my coffee since it isn’t a DATE and we met on the internet!…sheesh.

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