
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Points for Originality

He was good from far but far from good. What the hell, a girl could work with that and he seemed to have a personality. We started talking, getting to know each other. He would call me every night and we would have chat. The conversations were fun and funny. He had mentioned early on in the week that he would like to take me out for dinner. I said I would like that. So we talk all through the week, and as the weekend approaches, there is no follow up on this ‘date’. I call him on it.

“Do you want to see me or do you just want this phone relationship because it is now the weekend but you haven’t suggested we get together?”

His response:
"I am the same person on the phone as I am in person."

(In my head, I am thinking…uh let me be the judge of that! I mean in a social situation you see a person’s social etiquette—does he look you in the eye when he talks, does he hold his fork like an ax-murderer, is he polite to the server, does he stick you with the bill at the end, etc etc.)

So I told him:
“ I would like to see you in person.”

He says
“ok, but I have to go out of town tonight; I’ll be back on Wednesday.”

No problem I say
“We’ll get together then.”

I thought nothing of it, and I went out with my girlfriends. I got home around midnight that night and call it women’s intuition, but I had this gnawing feeling he was in town. So I called his cell phone because if he had been on the plane like he said he would be, the phone would have been off. It wasn’t. It rang and he answered it. I lost it.
“I knew it, I just had this feeling you were in town, call me crazy or whatever but I knew you weren’t on a plane! What’s your deal? Where are you?”

“at the airport waiting for my flight”

“Oh yeah, what’s your flight number?”

He responded by saying: “I am not going to have this conversation with you. I was in a relationship for 7 years with a girl who was always jealous, so no I will not explain or have this conversation with you.”


He hung up on me. Fine! I could care less, I found my answer, a weirdo and a liar. Sunday comes along and I get a text: Have you calmed down yet? I am back in town (Remember he said he would be out of town till Wednesday).
Have I calmed down????
Uh let’s see—I fired off a text : No I haven’t fucking calmed down, I am livid! (He hated when I used the F-word. I used it for emphasis haha.) He writes back and says he wants to explain. Ok, so I may be a hot head, but I am not a bitch so I let him explain.

Here is his explanation:
His flight was delayed; when I called, he was in the airport washroom taking a dump (yeah he said that!) and there was a guy in the stall beside chuckling because he could hear me ranting so he got flustered and hung up on me!

Gotta give the guy points for originality in the story! So, yeah I listened to the explanation but said “I forgive you, but don’t think I can forget. This just seems so drama filled, too much for my liking.” Sayonara

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